To gear up MIDSON effectively and efficiently it has standing committees.
This committee sensitise policy makers at national level about the importance of quality cost-effective skilled midwifery care and practice in reducing
maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity and enhancing women status empowering rural women.
This committee provide technical support, carry out research and publish articles and journals on safe motherhood, neonate and child health issues,
skilled birth attendant’s trainings and midwives practice and education.
It reviews MIDSON’s finances, identifies and mobilises the required resources, and provides policy guidance for use of resources to the executive members.
This Committee works to update and upgrade knowledge and skills of the members to improve evidence based midwifery/maternity practice in keeping birth
normal and natural through organising awareness generating events.
Each committee works according to its identified objectives and coordinate and cooperate as and when required to avoid overlap and duplication.