Why to get Midwifery Society of Nepal membership?

Midwifery Society of Nepal (MIDSON) is the national professional forum for midwives in Nepal, established under the Society Registration Act 1978 (2034) on February 2010 and registered under Social Welfare Act 1993 (2049) on March 2010. In addition, it is the member of the safe motherhood network federation July 27 2010. It consists of 11 nurse midwife from different organization to form member executive body.  It is instituted to strengthen midwifery services and advocate and lobby midwives voices in improving maternal and neonatal health in the country, especially in rural and hard to reach areas.

Membership benefits

  • Opportunity to network and liaise with other midwifery professionals and organisations and have a say in midwifery issues at a national level
  • Being part of the national dialogue on midwifery
  • Representation of midwives and midwifery issues in the national and international arena.
  • Receiving support from your seat or regional representative
  • The opportunity for members to participate in national affairs
  • Receipt of a national newsletter and the chance to contribute news and articles
  • Support for autonomous midwifery practice and advice from MIDSON
  • Exchange and dissemination of information such as results relevant studies and research
  • The opportunity to benefit from other midwives’ knowledge and experience of ways to advance the professional career
  • Knowledge that your membership fees support the on-going work of MIDSON in establishing midwifery as an independent profession and educating the public regarding childbirth options.